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Justin & Ashley Christmas
We Too Had 

I'm always interested in knowing who I'm getting my info from so I'll give a short summary of my life here :)
My name is Justin Christmas and My first "and only" wife since 8/8/22 is Ashley Christmas.
I was raised by my Widowed Grandmother, Mary Elizabeth Christmas, she was a Nurse for the Red Cross and married only once to my Grandfather Colonel Charles H. Christmas, Base Commander of Vance Air Force Base in Enid, Oklahoma. He passed away shortly before I was born. My Grandmother was the True Light of my world and passed away at the age of 92 in 2012 and I miss her very, very much.
Alright so, I attended St. John's Episcopel Elementary School in Abilene, TX from 1981-1988. While there, school went relatively well, I believed in God, had good grades and great friends with memorable teachers, whom I wish I kept in touch with better. However, my neighborhood friends were like family, and all went to public school. So, when middle school came around, I begged my grandmother all summer long to let me attend Public School... She finally gave in.
This was at the time, what appeared to be a terrible decision. Because from that point on, I failed every single class "no exaggeration" all the way to 9th grade, then dropped out. The issue was how lenient the teachers were about literally everything compared to private school. Being able to choose where I sat to talking in class, girls wearing ripped, stonewashed jeans, jean jackets with band name drawn all over them, crimped hair and smoking in the alley, seemingly without any real punishment, I couldn't for the life of me focus on anything but fucking off. This led to lots of trouble with my father and around 6th grade remarries. My grandmother moves into an Air Force retirement Village in San Antonio and the new step mother and I clash like no other. At the age of 13 I moved in with my very good friend Duane's family who I grew up with. This lasted roughly 6 months and ended up living with both of my aunts on my Mother's side and then Job Corps in Tulsa, Oklahoma until I was ultimately kicked out for fighting and ended up in an Oklahoma City, Group Home, constantly getting into trouble for fighting and smoking Marijuana. This led to me being sent to week long boot camps called "Sanctions" for juveniles, consisting of being dressed in Pink sweats with CIP stamped on them, picking lint off of the carpet every morning, 3 sets of 8 different workout routines 3 times a day, menial schoolwork and absolutely zero talking to any other kids in the program, along with the staff yelling every command. This happened 7 times with the record of repeat juvies being 8. This went on until I ran away at the age of 17.
At 20 years old my daughter Stacy was born. This changed everything. I instantly felt the deepest desire to give her a life that would be very different than my childhood, packed up and left Oklahoma considering my daily routines were definitely leading towards being put in prison or worse. So, I move to Missouri and 3 years later catch a felony for possession of marijuana with intent to distribute... Yikes, now employment opportunities dwindled and decided to open a Carpet Cleaning Company "Carpet Plus".. Business took off after spending the first year passing out flyers, cold calling and going to every business with pamphlets until finally landing my first real contract, Days Inn and Travel Lodge Hotels. Now I feel secure in being able to keep providing the life I want for my daughter. However, during this time, I lost all faith in a creator and became a soldier for science. I read books like Stephen Hawkings, The Theory of Everything, I was fascinated with quantum physics and forever watched the Discovery Channel. I believed in the Big Bang and the Newtonian Cosmology, hook line and sinker. I would argue with any Christian at a drop of a dime and would walk away knowing I schooled every single person I debated. What proof does your average Christian really have except citing words from a book that no one really knows who wrote, and life events seen as miracles.. How in the world is that proof?
Life went very well for us, business was good, Stacy was doing great and engaged in several programs including Cheerleading, Gymnastics, advanced classes for Nursing, volunteering at hospitals during the summer and had lots of great friends. Her Mother and I were still together and at every event Stacy had with camcorder in hand. I started buying run down homes to remodel on the side and thinking of bigger things until... I wreck my motorcycle in 2012, Doctors orders to stay in bed and was prescribed pain pills by the truck loads.
Now I have an opiate addiction and somehow navigate the next 4 years with this issue somewhat successfully until I get stopped in St. Louis and get charged with another possession of a controlled substance.. This time.. Heroin
Now this is a problem. See, when a charge like this is on your record, police act very, very different. It's no longer a simple stop anymore, it's a full-scale shakedown anytime a simple traffic stop happens and over the next couple of months, I get charged for 5 more possession of controlled substances and wrecked 4 vehicles 2 of which resulted in 2 back-to-back DUI's. This adds whole new dynamics to an already difficult situation. So now Carpet Plus takes the back burner since it opens me up to police contact driving from job to job and try to focus on finishing a newly acquired remodel. However, now I don't have a pressing schedule and do less and less things, such as staying high and watching tons of movies. This is where things get strange. I haven't had time like this since I was a kid.

Firmly in
About Us established 2004

The amount of deception perpetually being regurgitated by the majority of the world population makes our current situation almost hilariously comical. It's become obvious the majority of people are terrified being labeled something that The Mainstream Media Puppets deemed silly. Join us as we attempt to shed light on a vast array of subjects including all things Esoteric, Ancient Texts, Mythology, Religions, Oral Histories, Symbols, Cave Art, Alchemical Process, Simulation Theory, True Cosmology, Gigantism, Fractal Universe and Deciphering Ancient Alphabets. Because changing your views on ANY subject is okay. Growth is okay and when you finally realize what's been done, looking back in time becomes the only real option to get a clear picture. Join us as we shed Light on these fascinating subjects and learn how Truth becomes stranger Fiction! 
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A 2017 Tom Cruise movie I watched called "American Made" gets all of my attention. If you're unfamiliar with the movie, it's a true story about an American Pilot "Barry Seal" who is approached by the CIA to help fund an illegal war with proceeds directly linked to cocaine being brought into the United States under CIA protection, resulting in the crack epidemic in the 1980's during Ronald Reagan's Presidential term. Fascinating story and it got me dissecting every aspect of that movie until I was convinced it did actually happen. If you look into it, there's plenty of evidence showing it actually took place and it's sickening. This blew my mind, it honestly begs the question, if the US Government is willing to do this to their own people, what else are they capable of? The answer is anything and literally everything. This throws me down many fascinating rabbit holes, but the most important one was an unsearched, automatically played YouTube video of stars through the Lense of a p900 Nikon Camera showing stars looking and behaving much different than what "science" portrays them to be. Now understand, in 2018 this was before legislation stepped in to thwart these types of videos to be recommended and automatically played. YouTube today has made it impossible to find uncontrolled videos on these types of subjects. Now you get bombarded with silly debunking videos, using tactics that make the subject appear to be way too ridiculous to even consider. Unless you know the specific name of the channel or video, you're getting controlled opposition. But that's a whole other subject. So, after the star video plays, another interesting video plays. This time it's of a man performing a 6-mile Lazer test over a lake. I thought, Huh? Why would someone do that? So, I watched... What this man did was an extremely simple experiment, with 'zero to none' potential complications showing the Earth was level and this held implications that are potentially world shattering, paradigm, shifting views. I thought, absolutely, no way is this true and put me on a 3-month long effort to try and prove him wrong. Side note here.. If you've read this far, I'm sure you can relate to this.. Something to know about me, when I research something that catches my attention, I hit every angle possible to the point of almost manic like symptoms, I shut everything and everyone completely out and soak in information. I'm a machine when it comes to research, it's a curse and it's a gift. After spending 3 months doing this, I did nothing but prove, he was correct. I remember the day I finally conceded, I was on my way back to a hotel, pulled into the parking lot and thought to myself as I was getting out of the car, the Earth is Level, there absolutely is a Creator and Holy Shit! 
That night, the most amazing thing happened and there's no words I could conjure up to give justice to what I experienced here, but I'll try. So on this night I went to sleep as usual and suddenly wake up floating down a megalithic hallway, lit by an ambient emerald light with no source I could locate, as if everything was emitting this soft emerald light. Next to me is an entity floating right along next to me emitting a pure radiance of peace, love, acceptance and an overwhelming sense that he knows me through and through. Below us were concentric square cut-outs in the floor on both sides, spaced evenly apart with a different creature in each one watching us as we flow effortlessly from side to side down this hallway. As we were drifting along, I was awe struck, taking in this experience, looking around at the sheer size of the stone blocks making up this structure, I'm flying, able to change direction effortlessly and enveloped by the most amazing feeling coming from my new friend next to me. About halfway down the hallway, I notice an Octopus and without words the entity next to me speaks to me telepathically "do not be afraid." The Octopus didn't do anything at all that was different from any of the other creatures, it just stayed in the square cut-out in the floor and watched us intently, just like the rest of the creatures, as we passed by. We continued on until the hallway opened up to a square room, the size of an enclosed football stadium with no roof and we came to a stop in the center of the room. I felt the deepest need to thank this entity for such an amazing experience but couldn't think of anything good enough to offer as a "Thank You" so I did the only thing I could do in the moment and folded myself in the most respectful way possible, I crossed my legs like I was sitting Indian Style, rested the back of my hands on my knees, folded my fingers onto my thumbs, closed my eyes, bowed my head and said "thank you." I didn't get a response, so I open my eyes, He was gone, I look all around the room then look up to see an extremely bright flash of light and I suddenly wake up still feeling the overwhelming radiance of peace and love that I felt next to Him and slowly dissipated until I'm lying there in pure awe wondering what that meant and felt something big was about to happen. Now I've dreamed dreams all of my life, fascinating dreams. This was like no dream I've ever experienced. Being fully aware and able to control my actions is not something I have ever experienced dreaming. This was something entirely different and I went on a search trying to get answers. I searched, spirit animals, emerald dreams, entity in dream emitting peace. etc. etc. Try looking for that online and see what you get.. I was extremely disappointed with every answer. Nothing satisfied my curiosity and it would be a while before I got answers because... 
One week later, I get a knock at the door, I get up and open the door to see 6 Sheriffs telling me the Judge revoked my last DUI bond from driving my rental car into my neighbor's pond. Off to jail I go and this time "No Bail" no way to get out this time.

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